The Beaman Home unveils new logo. (Photo provided)

After more than 20 years, the Beaman Home in Warsaw has retired its original logo and replaced it with an updated one. The new logo was created by Steve Jones, owner of Communication Designs Inc.

The new logo was unveiled at Warsaw’ May 4 First Friday. Accompanied by a moving testimonial skit by Beaman Home volunteers, the unveiling is a part of Beaman Home’s effort to heighten awareness about domestic violence. Awareness is a key factor in the fight against domestic violence and abuse in our community.

The original logo was shaped like a house with a mother and child inside. It represented the Beaman Home Shelter and, for years, served the agency well. Now, however, the Beaman Home is much more than a just a shelter for abused women and men, and their children, seeking to break the cycle of violence in their lives. For that reason, an updated all-encompassing look for the logo was sought through a recent contest.