Mike Kessler, Executive Director of the national non-profit youth education and
service program for boys and girls, the Young Marines, announces a
call-to-action campaign to over 300 Young Marine units across the
country to participate in the organization’s second annual “Raising
Awareness to the Flag” initiative during National Flag Week in June.
The week of June 14 is designated as National Flag Week when the
President of the United States will issue a proclamation urging U.S.
citizens to fly the American flag for the duration of that week. Flag
Day is June 14 annually.
Most Americans can tell you what day of the year that Independence
Day, or Veterans Day lands on each year, but Flag Day and National
Flag Week is commonly an overlooked event. This is not to say that
this special day to honor our flag has been forgotten. Many
communities and civic groups arrange special ceremonies on, or around,
Flag Day and National Flag Week each year; and, the Young Marines
youth organization is no exception.
“Young Marine units are very active in civic events to honor the
American flag, and they do so all year long,” says Kessler, “We
believe that we can do even more as a national organization to help
inform and enlighten the status of Flag Day and National Flag Week in
our communities nationwide.”
Young Marine youth members are encouraged to not only participate in
Flag Day/National Flag Week, but to take it a step further to raise
awareness and create excitement in their communities surrounding the
celebration across the country. During the Young Marines “Raising
Awareness to the Flag” campaign, units will use a variety of venues
and communication resources, such as their local media and community
Community organizations are encouraged to contact local Young Marine
units when planning their Flag Day activities in their town. To find a
unit near you, visit: http://www.YoungMarines.com and click on the “Find a Unit” link at the top of the national homepage.