Every month SPEC has a birthday party on the second Tuesday of every month to celebrate all birthdays in that month.  Everyone is welcome to attend.  There is always entertainment and free cake and ice cream.

For the May 8 party at 12:15 p.m., we will have a very SPEC’ial speaker, Doug Akers, from Purdue Extension.  He is the Boone County Extension Director and an American Poultry Master Breeder.   His program will be about “Extraordinary CHICKENS”.  There are many breeds and various characteristics that make chickens beautiful, exotic and very unusual.  Come to lunch (call Peggy at 574- 834-1193 for a reservation) and stay for an enlightening program.

Please plan to vote at the North Webster Community Center on Tuesday, May 8, and stay for lunch, the birthday party and an afternoon of fun.

On Thursday, May 3, Nightingale Home Services of North Webster will speak at 11 a.m. about adult allergies. Call Barb 574-834-1600 Ext. 4 for more information.


Come with SPEC to the Four Winds Casino on Monday, May 14.  Have a fun filled day with your friends and eat your way through a delicious buffet for a very reasonable cost of only $35 per person.

Card day will be on Tuesday, May 15.  Come and play the card game of your choice and snack and socialize for the afternoon.  May 22 we will have BINGO starting at 12:15 p.m.

On Wednesday, May 16, Toni Mowery, LPN, comes for our Foot Connection service.  She pampers your feet by soaking them, cutting your toenails and checking for signs of infection.  Call and make an appointment now.

CUBS!  CUBS!!  CUBS!!  Buy your tickets for the Cubs at SPEC and go on a wonderful bus trip to Chicago to see the CUBS play the Padres on May 30 ($65), the Mets on June 27 ($75) and the Astros on Aug. 15 ($65).   All tickets are in sections 213-226 behind home plate and behind third base.  Bus pick-up is in three locations for your convenience:  North Webster, Warsaw and Plymouth.  Call now for more details, 574-834-1600 Ext. 4.

As many of you know, SHINGLES is a very painful rash caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox.  In most states, the SHINGLES vaccine can be given by a pharmacist since it is covered by Part D of your insurance plan.  More than likely there will be a co-pay, and the pharmacy can do the rest.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends the shot for all adults 60 and older.  So, ask your pharmacist about the shingles vaccine.

Senior Primelife Enrichment Center (SPEC)
301 N. Main / Box 471
North Webster, IN  46555
574-834-1600 Ext. 4
Barb Hetrick – Director