The United Way of Kosciusko County has begun planning for the 2012 Day of Caring.

The event is set to take place on Aug. 15, in six communities around the county: Mentone, Etna Green, Leesburg, Milford, Warsaw central and Warsaw west. Based on discussions with Pam Kennedy, executive director at Housing Opportunities of Warsaw, it was agreed that the Day of Caring event would have a greater impact by doing more work in particular areas instead of stretching our volunteers and resources across the entire county.

According to Patricia Coy, executive director for United Way, “With the increasing number of volunteers and projects, this is an attempt to be able to better coordinate and manage the logistics of the day.”

Next year we will focus on the needs of other communities around the county. Applications for projects are currently being accepted from those in the focus communities who are veterans, elderly, disabled and/or disadvantaged/low-income.

Last year there were 137 projects completed by more than 1,500 volunteers.  The work ranged from yard and painting work to roof repairs and wheelchair ramp-building.

The event is sponsored by the UWKC in partnership with the Housing Opportunities of Warsaw, Kosciusko County Senior Services and Grace College.

Those interested in applying may contact the United Way office at 574-269-2592, or the Housing office at 574-269-7641.  Applications are also available through area churches within the focus communities. Those interested in volunteering, may also call, or watch for the project list on in the near future.