“Creatures of the Deep vs Super Heroes,” is the theme for the 2012 Mermaid Festival slated for June 13-16.
Entry deadlines to participate in the Queen of Lakes Pageant and the Cutie Pageant are quickly approaching. The deadline for the Queen’s pageant is June 2, with a discounted entry fee if applications are received by May 19. The deadline for the cutie pageant and parade is June 6.
Entry information is available on the Mermaid Festival website. Contact phone numbers for those involved with the festival are also available on that site. Individuals may also write: North Webster Lioness Club, P.O. Box 450, North Webster, IN 46555 to request entry form information or call the festival headquarters at (574) 834-4316. Entry forms and applications are required to participate in any of the above mentioned events.
The Queen of Lakes Pageant is open to girls between the ages of 16 years and 23 years old. The entry fee is $100 if submitted prior to May 19, or $150 after that date. Entry fees should be made payable to and mailed to North Webster Lioness Club, Queens, P.O. Box 450, North Webster. For questions individuals can e-mail [email protected]. Information is also available on
Facebook under: 2012 Mermaid Festival Queen of Lakes Pageant.
The Queen of Lakes Pageant activities begin at 10 a.m. June 16 and conclude that evening with
the 7 p.m. pageant.
Entrants for the Cutie Parade must be under the age of 14 years as of June 1. Those eligible for the Cutie Pageant must be between the ages of 4 years and 6 years old as of June 1.
All entrants in the pageant must participate in the parade. There is no fee to enter either event.
This year’s Cutie Parade will be at 6:30 p.m. June 13, with the pageant at 7 p.m. June 15. A parade rain date is June 14.
Entries into the parade and pageant must be postmarked by June 6.
UPDATE: Click here to download the 2012 Mermaid Festival Applications