The Chain O Lakes chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society will present its annual spring show this weekend in Warsaw. This year’s show is a parody of the classic TV show “This is Your Life”, where people in the studio audience were surprised to find themselves onstage recalling friendships, loves, heartaches, and triumphs.
The show is set for Saturday, May 5, at the Lakeview Middle School Auditorium. The Chain-O-Lakes Chorus will begin its show at 7 p.m. The second half of this show will feature the Warsaw Community Choir, the Chain Gang Barbershop Quartet and special guest quartet, Instant Classic.
Instant Classic originally formed in the fall of 2008. They competed in the Barbershop Harmony Society’s International Collegiate Barbershop Quartet Competition in 2009 and 2010, where they placed 8th and 10th, respectively. In 2011, Instant Classic became the Cardinal District Champions in October. Additional performances include the Inaugural Ontario Harmony Brigade, the Indiana Harmony Brigade, performing on workshops, at high school festivals, and on shows. Members of the quartet are David Zimmerman, tenor; Theo Hicks, lead, Kohl Kitzmiller, baritone and Kyle Kitzmiller, bass.
Also featured during the performance will be the “Chain Gang” barbershop quartet who, in addition to performing for a variety of groups, churches and organizations, were a big hit in Wagon Wheel Theater’s 2010 production of “The Music Man.”
Tickets may be purchased from any member of the Chain O Lakes chapter. Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for students 13 and older with a valid Student ID. Children under the age of 13 are admitted free with a paid adult admission. If either show is not sold out, there may be some tickets available at the door. Tickets can be reserved for pickup at the door by calling 877-778-9647.
Members of the Chain O Lakes Chorus come from Columbia City and the surrounding area including South Whitley, Huntington, Syracuse, North Webster, Etna Green, Fort Wayne, and Warsaw.
The Chorus is directed by Mr. Mark Leimer with assistant directors Mr Dick Sutton, and Mr. Phil Randall.
Dr David Haines of Warsaw is presently president of the Chain O Lakes chapter.
For more information about the Chain-O-Lakes Chorus, please visit their webpage.