Staff Writer
[email protected]
Kosciusko County Commissioners have given the go ahead for Emergency Management Director Ed Rock to write a grant in the county’s name for approximately $568,000.
The county would be the fiscal agent for the grant, which will be used by Warsaw-Wayne Township Fire Territory. Rock says the grant would be used to build a reliable communication system for the county-wide fire service, which includes 14 fire departments.
The county also renewed its medical insurance coverage contract. To save money on medical costs, the county will create its own clinic of choice. After reviewing five quotes, the county decided to use MedStat at KCH in Warsaw, which had the lowest quote and will serve as county employees’ clinic. The county will also have a partnership with Cardinal Services.
“We can save money by having our own clinic,” said County Administrator Ron Robinson, noting other counties, including Elkhart County, use the same plan and have saved over $100,000 doing so. “It will help cut our costs on medical insurance.”
“I think it’s an excellent idea to save the taxpayers’ money,” said Commissioner Ron Truex.
“It will be good for our county employees, too,” added Commissioner Bob Conley.
Also, several contracts were renewed. A contract with Creative Benefit Solutions for medical consulting and a three-year contract with a company that maintains the generators on the county courthouse and Justice Building were approved.
Commissioners approved a bid of $168,553 to fix a bridge on Winona Beach Road, Winona Lake. The bid is from Beer and Slabaugh and was $49,000 lower than the engineer’s estimate. Other bids for work on two other bridges in Winona Lake will be opened at 9:15 a.m. May 22, at the courthouse.
Also, three bids were opened for a new dump truck. The bids ranged from the lowest, which was $143,893, to the highest, which was $155,373.
In other news, the board approved a rezoning petition for Paul Graham. He wants to rezone 5 acres of land from Industrial II to Agricultural. The property is located on the CR 200W, northwest of Fox Farm Road in Prairie Township. Graham said he wants to build a house on the land.
Commissioners are President Bob Conley, Brad Jackson and Ron Truex. The next meeting will be at 9 a.m. Monday, May 7, at the county courthouse in Warsaw, due to the elections May 8.
See next week’s issue of The Paper for additional coverage.